
miércoles, 31 de mayo de 2017


Organización de tareas del Community Manager

Ciclos Formativos IES Pare Vitòria

Mi infografía sobre las tareas del Community manager en mi Centro:

martes, 30 de mayo de 2017


Análisis de presencia en redes sociales del IES Pare Vitòria

Utilizando  Metricool  y Twitonomy  hemos podido analizar el funcionamiento de nuestras redes sociales.

El departamento de Ciclos Formativos del IES Pare Vitòria dispone de los siguientes canales de comunicación:

Los datos obtenidos del análisis de actividad nos informan que debemos mejorar nuestra presencia en las redes sociales

Podemos comprobar que el hastag más utilizado es #ciclesquimicaparevitoria

lunes, 29 de mayo de 2017


The Organizational Learning Environment (OLE) del IES Pare Vitòria de Alcoi. Centro con Ciclos formativos de grado medio y superior.

Análisis de la situación actual utilizando CANVAS para el Diseño del Entorno de Aprendizaje de una Organización  #EduCMooc

jueves, 25 de mayo de 2017

MOOC OPEN ETWINNING UNIT 5: My eTwinning Project Plan

My eTwinning Project Plan is about learning Technical English for lab technicians. Student must know technical words to do lab test in microbiology, chemistry and physics.

Dutch and Spanish students work together about English vocabulary about lab test. It is very important knows equipment, material and reagents in English Language because a lot of test and Standards are in English.


This eTwinning project is based in an open project with students in middle level in VET (vocational Education and training). They are studying laboratory technician. Students are between 18 and 25 years old. The number of Spanish student is 18 and Dutch Students are 15.

The main aim in the realization of this project is to work together the two centers partners of Spain and Holland

This eTwinning project will use English language and the main aim is learning technical words to work in a laboratory: equipment, reagents, material, and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).

Students improve technical English because working together and they help each other to acquire the skill. for example: statistical analysis of data, accuracy (trueness and precision), uncertainty, average, etc.

The curricular integration will be according to the professional modules than two schools have in common. These are: 

• Physical and Physicochemical analysis. 

• Chemical analysis 

• Microbiological Tests. 

• Information and Safety in a laboratory. 

• Basic laboratory operations 

• Technical English

Work process

The project is expected to last about 12 months. It starts in November 2017 

Students will rise to the platform monthly TwinSpace work done and shared and analyzed students enter the two centers. 

They also will use Pinterest to share interesting web pages about the project

In groups they will do presentations about Laboratory glassware, Health & Safety at workplace, Reagents: pictograms and H and P statement.

Sharing results: blogger, web page in TwinSpace
The Communication and Exchange among partner schools will be by email, WhatsApp and the skills in TwinSpace 

ICT activity in the etwinning Project:

I have chosen 2 apps in my project about Technical English for lab technicians. It is important to use tools and applications which enables online collaborative work

An activity in this eTwinning project is adding technical words: Laboratory glassware, HEALTH & SAFETY AT WORKPLACE. Students must use Spanish, Dutch and English Language

My first tool is an Excel file in Google Drive. Teachers and students share this file:

The second tool is an activity using different apps or tools: power point, images, and web pages using the app Padlet. The students should insert a note in the padlet about technical English


Forum. Students set up different forums about an interesting topic about technical English: chemistry, microbiology, biotechnology, etc.

Timetable: teacher and student should do a timetable to use chat and live event.

Materials:  Teachers and student must create folders about a theme in file, videos and images

Web page: teachers create a public web page in TwinSpace:

miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2017


ICT activity in the etwinning Project:
My objective for this Unit 4 is to know tools and applications which enables online collaborative work. I have chosen 2 apps in my project about Technical English for lab technicians

An activity in this etwinning project is adding technical words: Laboratory glassware, HEALTH & SAFETY AT WORKPLACE. Students must use Spanish, Dutch and English Language

My first tool is an Excel file in Google Drive. Teachers and students share this file:

The second tool is an activity using differents apps or tools: power point, images, and web pages using the app Padlet. The students should insert a note in the padlet about technical English

martes, 9 de mayo de 2017

My project design MOOC OPEN ETWINNING Unit 3

Project: Learning Technical English for laboratory technicians

This new project with partners in the Erasmus + VET Project  is about learning Technical English for lab technicians. Student must know technical words to do lab test in microbiology, chemistry and physics.

Dutch and Spanish students work together about English vocabulary about lab test. It’s important knows equipment, material and reagents in English Language because a lot of test and Standards are in English.

  • Aims
This eTwinning project is based in an open project with students in middle level in VET (vocational Education and training). They are studying laboratory technician. Students are between 18 and 25 years old. The number of Spanish student is 18 and Dutch Students are 15.

The main aim in the realization of this project is to work together the two centers partners of Spain and Holland

This eTwinning project will use English language and the main aim is learning technical words to work in a laboratory: equipment, reagents, material, and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).

Students improve technical English because working together and they help each other to acquire the skill. for example: statistical analysis of data, accuracy (trueness and precision), uncertainty, average, etc.

The curricular integration will be according to the professional modules than two schools have in common. These are:
• Physical and Physicochemical analysis.
• Chemical analysis 
• Microbiological Tests.
• Information and Safety in a laboratory.
• Basic laboratory operations
• Technical English
  • Work process

The project is expected to last about 12 months. It starts in November 2017 

Students will rise to the platform monthly TwinSpace work done and shared and analyzed students enter the two centers.

They also will use Pinterest to share interesting web pages about the project

In groups they will do presentations about Laboratory glassware, Health & Safety at workplace, Reagents: pictograms and H and P statement.

Sharing results: blogger, web page in TwinSpace

The Communication and Exchange among partner schools will be by email, WhatsApp and the skills in TwinSpace 

  • Expected results
Results, impact and documentation will be used in different ways of dissemination for our project:
Web page School

The expected results that we want to get are:

- Students use English to carry out work on laboratory, doing different lab tests
- Students learn about the new methods and analysis in different labs: microbiology, chemistry and Physics
- Improve English language in their professional profile laboratory technician
- Students develop common documentation for use in future projects.
- Learn to use several ICT:  google drive, google forms, power point, Excel, movie maker, padlet, youtube
- Make a public Twinspace: web page, blog  with documentation developed in this project.

jueves, 4 de mayo de 2017


Proceso de curación de contenidos educativos

La utilización de Pinterest resulta adecuada para realizar un buen proceso de curación de contenidos educativos.

Dentro de mi ceunta de pintereset he configurado distintos tableros para aportar información tanto a  alumnos como para profesores de los ciclos formativos.

Mi espacio pinterest

Algunos ejemplos de tableros :

Tablero donde se encuentra información relacionada con los Ciclos Formativos de química, en concreto de Técnico de Laboratorio y Control de Calidad

Tablero sobre webs interesantes de química en inglés para utilizar en clase:

MOOC Community Manager Educativo: Infografía encuesta espacios web de centros educativos

Infografía encuesta espacios web de centros educativos 

El análisis que he realizado sobre la encuesta de espacios webs de centros educativos:

martes, 2 de mayo de 2017

Learning evidence

Learning evidence
I have detected in my teaching some areas of improvement and learning. These are the followings: 

- Motivation: the student need be motivated, so teachers should use new tools like ICTs: information and communication technology: a school subject in which students learn to use computers and other electronic equipment to store and send information. 

- Practice: It’s better doing practices at lab than theory classes 

· “Tell me, and I will forget. Show me, and I may remember. Involve me, and I will understand." Confucius 


- CLIL: It’s necessary teaching in Content and Language Integrated Learning. But nowadays, we must learn English language. 


Innovative experiences that, from your point of view, respond to our needs and objectives as a connected teacher and collaborator and that promote an active methodology in the classroom: